Vision, Values and Aims


 At Guildtown Primary School and Nursery we aim to provide a safe and happy environment where learners feel included and respected. All children will be encouraged to be responsible members of their community.  With staff and families working together, children will aim high to reach their full potential.



                               S          T          A          R


             Supportive Togetherness Ambition Respect


                             OUR SCHOOL AIMS


  1. To create a happy and welcoming environment where children, parents and staff work together and show respect for others regardless of culture, race, beliefs, gender, and ability
  2. To provide a range of relevant and meaningful experiences which will challenge all children and encourage them to become motivated, independent, collaborative, and active learner
  3. To promote the well-being of pupils and encourage them to make healthy choices in their daily lives
  4. To equip children with the skills and attitudes that will enable them to make informed choices and decisions that will affect both them and others
  5. To create a climate of achievement where the individuality of each child is recognised and valued

Getting it right for every child