What is the Parent Council?


The Parent council is a group of parents selected by members of the parent forum (the collective name for every parent, carer or guardian at a school) to represent all the parents of children at the school.

Parent Councils have an important role to play in ensuring that children's education is enriched by parents' valuable life experience, individual personal skills and unique knowledge of their own child.

The objectives of the Parent Council are:

to work in partnerships with the school to create a welcoming school which is inclusive for all parents

to promote partnership between the school, its pupils, its parents and the wider community

to develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of its pupils

to identify an represent the views of parents on the education provided by the school and other matters affecting the education and welfare of the pupils.

Who are we?

Our Parent Council is currently made up of seven parents (a parent member must have a child/children at the school), one teacher, one Community Member and the Head Teacher.  The Guildtown Parent Council believes it is very important to have representatives from both the school and community as co-opted members in order to achieve it's objectives.  Members are co-opted on to the Council and are re-elected every two years at our Annual AGM.  Any parent/carer can volunteer to be on the Parent Council.

Chairperson: Inese Keisa   Secretary: Eleanor Curley     Treasurer:  Jackie Hunter

Teacher member: Susan Anderson

Community Member: Jack Welch

Head Teacher: Kim Robertson

When do we meet?

The Parent Council meets up once a term and the AGM is held in April as far as is reasonably practical.  We are always very happy to have parents attend a meeting, to meet other members and to decide whether they would like to become a member of the Parent Council.

How do we contact?

All parents and carers can be involved with the school by sharing ideas, coming to events and supporting their children with their learning but if you would like to find out more about the Parent Council please feel free to contact us at the email address below:


Being a member of the Parent Council is rewarding, informative and fun! It is not onerous in terms of the time commitment required.

The following links give more information about Parent Councils

