P1 Registrations

  Parents are asked to register new intake P1 pupils in January of the year they are due to start     school. A link to do this becomes “live” in January for parents to do this online, all placement and   registration requests are handled directly by the ECS Schools team and information on this can be   found here



P1 Registration Week

School Enrolment for the academic year 2024/2025 will open from Monday 8 January 2024

Click here to apply online


Placing Requests

Although it is usual for children to attend their local catchment area school, you have the right to make a placing request asking that your child be placed in a school other than your local catchment area school.

Placing Request applications should be submitted using the online service My PKC.

Full details of the process for submitting a placing request can be found on the PKC website:


The closing date for submitting a placing request for session 2024/25 is 15 March 2024. For requests received by the closing date of 15 March 2024, parents/carers will be informed of the outcome of their requests by 30 April 2024. Any requests made after this date will still be considered, but it is possible that places in certain schools may no longer be available.

Parents who have made successful placing request for their children at other schools of their choice have to make their own transport arrangements and meet the costs thereof.