Support for Families

Little Scribblers by NHS Tayside Occupational Therapy Service

 Our nursery team continuously working on developing mark marking and early writing experiences in the nursery.  To support this work further please find below some information from NHS Tayside Occupational Therapy Service. 

Little scribblers

This is geared towards families who have children about to start in P1 after the summer break.   Writing is such a complex activity and parents are often unsure how to support this skill.   The video (see link below) and the 'Little scribblers' document (above) will help to support you in this area. 

PRE-WRITING - Little Scribblers video


Home learning resource list

Pat a Cake

Three Billy Goats Gruff


Help with the cost of Childcare

Families can access help with the costs of childcare in a variety of ways, through the tax credits system, vouchers provided by employers and tax free childcare accounts.

Please click here for more information


Supporting Parents into Work and Study

Click here - Employment Poster for Parents

A selection of FREE high quality and flexible, online and face to face learning courses - Adult learning hub - CLICK HERE